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Recent changes to federal laws now require utilities to update their records of your water service line. For the first time, water utilities across the country are checking the material on the private side of the service line and creating an inventory of that information.

Even if you have lead pipes, it does not necessarily mean you have lead in your water! That is because MLGW treats your drinking water with an additive – phosphate – which coats your pipes to protect your water. MLGW has been replacing lead service lines since 2012 and has inspected and/or replaced more than 9,000 since then. Now, thanks to newly allocated Federal Infrastructure funds, we can replace more lines, including customer-side lines for customers who need help replacing them. In 2024 and 2025 we will pilot our program for “full line replacement,” including customer and MLGW side service lines, and develop a program for customers to apply for replacement assistance in the future.


It’s very rare to find lead pipes in water systems today because the use of lead was banned in the 1970s. Many older homes
can have lead or galvanized pipes. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, there are many sources of lead,
in your home and in products, that you should look out for:



The water service line is a shared responsiblity between MLGW and the homeowner.


In addition to actions MLGW is taking to protect you, here are practical ways you can further reduce the risk from consuming water that is served through lead pipes: