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Delayed Billing
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MLGW is releasing utility bills to customers who may not have received a bill in months. Impacted customers will receive a separate bill for each month of service and that means some customers will receive multiple bills within a short period of time until they receive their most current bill.



Some customers will continue to receive estimates on their gas and water usage in their next bills, as MLGW crews and contractors work on a manufacturer provided solution to repair meters that show no usage readings.

Last year, MLGW found gas and water meter register malfunctions affecting our ability to send impacted customers a timely bill. The solution to repair the water meters appears to be working and is currently being evaluated for any failures.

We will continue to fix any failed water meter registers. However, the solution to replace a small part inside the gas meters has not worked, and the manufacturer has determined replacing the part of the meter measuring usage will fix the problem.


What are we doing?                                                             

  • MLGW is working with the manufacturer to provide replacement parts with upgraded technology.
  • We will continue contracting with Utility Partners of America (UPA) to make the repairs and have asked for additional technicians to speed up the process.


If I have a delayed bill what do I need to do?                    

Read our short FAQs (updated March 25, 2024)

Contact us within 30 days of receiving your utility bill if you need to make a payment arrangement.

o   By phone: (901) 544-6549

o   Web:

o   MLGW My Account: The MLGW My Account app offers self-service payment arrangement options.

o   In person at one of our Community Offices. (Use our Qless app to reduce wait times).

o   You may be eligible to apply for available funding


Additional resources                                                            

o   Video: President McGowen addresses press about delayed bills

o   Press Release: MLGW releasing bills delayed due to meter register failures

o   Board Presentation (July 17, 2024): MLGW Utility Meter-2-Cash Update

o   MIFA website