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Memphis Light, Gas and Water Survey: Natural Gas Safety Quiz
Please take a moment to answer our short survey so we can strive to meet your utility related needs more effectively.
* Required Information
1.  *If there is a natural gas leak, what does it smell like?
 Burnt matches
 Rotten eggs
 Oil-base paint
 Don't know
2.  *What should you do if you smell a natural gas leak?
 Call MLGW or 911 from the area closest to where the leak was detected.
 Get out of the building/area immediately; do not operate on electrical items, light, devices or phones in the leak area; call MLGW or 911 from a phone outside or away from leak area.
 Light a match and start looking for the leak.
 Stay in the area of the gas leak to monitor it in case it gets worse.
3.  *Before any digging on your property, what should you do for safety?
 Call 811 to get gas and utility lines marked; then wait 72 hours before digging.
 Check Google satellite view for your address for visible underground utility lines.
 Go ahead and start digging.
 Ask your neighbor where their utility lines are and assume yours are in the same place.
4.  *What color is a natural gas pipeline marker?
5.  *If there's a natural gas leak in your home or neighborhood, who should you call?
 The mayor's office
 City sanitation department
 MLGW's emergency number, 528-4465, or 911 Emergency
 A magician
Survey questions beginning with * are required.