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Behind on your bills? Struggling to make ends meet? Want to learn how to save energy and money?

On Track, a payment program provided by MLGW, may be able to help you. The program provides energy and financial information to customers in need of help. By joining the program and working together with MLGW staff, you can get back "On Track" with all your bills.

On Track is designed to help residential customers with limited incomes to manage debt and pay off their bills over a period of time. The program focuses on education, financial management and social services assistance.

On Track participants are eligible to receive:

  • One-on-one assistance from an MLGW service advisor
  • Information on budgeting and saving energy at home
  • Deferred billing plans (DEFB) for up to three years
  • Deposit credited back to the account after successful completion of program
  • Social services referral

On Track participation is free, but to qualify for the program customers must have:
  • A utility bill more than $600
  • Only one active account
  • Steady income not exceeding 200% of the federal poverty guidelines or steady income and impacted by COVID-19 pandemic
  • Customers who have graduated from On Track or have been removed from the program within the past three years are ineligible.
  • Customers who have filed bankruptcy within the past six years are ineligible.
  • Customers enrolled in the MLGW Life Support program or have an MLGW Life Support payment plan are ineligible..
  • Customers enrolled in the PrePay program are ineligible.

Click here to submit your On Track application online or Login to your My Account and click on ‘My Application for On Track’.

Click here to download the application. Complete and return the form to MLGW as per the instructions on the application.

For additional questions, contact On Track at (901) 528-4820 or send an email to for more information or to receive an application via mail or email.