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MLGW News Release
Smart Talk: MLGW President and CEO Jerry Collins Jr.
June 25, 2013
MLGW's vision is to be the best utility for our customers. As a publicly-owned utility, we aim to be the “best” by providing a quality product at the lowest cost for our ratepayers. In a recent annual survey of 50 utilities in cities across the nation, MLGW customers had the lowest combined residential bill for electricity, natural gas, water and wastewater than any other utility.

Now, and in the future, our focus will be on keeping rates and costs as low as possible. The deployment of smart meters will not change our commitment. In fact, smart meters will help keep costs low for everyone.

Additionally, customers who use their smart meter data to find ways to conserve, or to spot and fix any energy- or water-wasting issues, will save even more by reducing their monthly consumption. Smart Grid Demonstration participants’ average reduction in consumption was from 2.3 percent to 5.6 percent.

Unlike for-profit utilities where any cost-savings may be paid in dividends to shareholders, at MLGW cost-savings are returned directly to customers—and that’s more disposable income for households in Memphis and Shelby County.


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