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MLGW News Release
Smart Talk: North Georgia EMC
June 3, 2013

At its 2011 Annual Meeting, North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (NGEMC) announced it would install new automated meters throughout its seven-county service territory. The project cost $15.5 million.

Less than a year later, about 99,000 new automated meters were installed.

Full implementation, except for a small number of holdouts that are dwindling by the day: 245 members.

NGEMC, which does not have an opt-out option, is working closely with those members to address their concerns and to determine the best way to resolve each situation. The best way? Through communication.

NGEMC emphasized that the new automated meters can store and transmit readings back to the utility, eliminating the need to physically read the meter – an estimated 500,000 miles of travel throughout its system annually that is no longer necessary.

The automated meter records the overall peak demand of the electric account and the number of times the meter has experienced a loss of power for any reason. The meter will record the date, time, and the length of any power outages.

This enables NGEMC to pinpoint the location of outages as well as help their members troubleshoot high bill problems by providing more information about power consumption.

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