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2018 Austin Water National Survey Ranks MLGW among the Best in Rates and Charges
March 27, 2018

A recent national survey was conducted by Austin Water for bill and rate comparisons in selected U.S. Cities. MLGW ranked among the lowest in three categories; Residential –Combined, Commercial Class-Water and Commercial Class-Wastewater only.

MLGW ranked first in the total monthly combined water and sewer bill for a customer using (5,800 gallons) of water and (4,000 gallons) of sewer.  The total bill for Memphis was $28.26. Broken down the water cost is $15.71 and the sewer cost is $12.55, including sales tax.

The utility ranked third in the average monthly bill comparison for the Water Commercial class. For example, the monthly water bill for a commercial customer using (51,000 gallons) of water is $160.52 for this consumption.

For the wastewater commercial class, MLGW ranked fifth in a comparison with 29 other cities. A monthly sewer bill for an MLGW commercial customer using (44,000 gallons) of water would be $137.96 for this usage, which also includes the applicable sales tax.

MLGW operates one of the largest artesian water systems in the world. Memphis has an abundant supply of naturally pure, high quality water. The City of Memphis Public Works Department provides the area with wastewater treatment facilities. The daily usage stands at about 150 million gallons per day.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 421,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.