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MLGW News Release
TVA Issues Power Supply Alert
January 16, 2018

Tennessee Valley Authority has initiated its Electric Load Curtailment Plan (ELCP) Step 20 of the TVA/TVPPA Emergency Load Curtailment Program, starting at 3 p.m. today. Artic cold temperatures have moved into the service territory with temperatures reaching the teens and with wind chills below zero.

This plan requires all customers in the TVA service territory to conserve their use of electric power as much as possible. Conservation during peak hours are to continue until notified by TVA.

MLGW is asking all electric power consumers--commercial and industrial--to cooperate in reducing power usage during this critical situation.

Consumers should: 

• Postpone using electric appliances such as dishwashers, dryers, and cooking equipment. 

• Reduce the use of electric heating by adjusting thermostats to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. 

• Turn off non-essential lights, appliances, and other electrical equipment. 

Voluntary reductions are needed to help ensure a continued supply of power to essential services throughout the Tennessee Valley and to avoid interruptions in service. TVA is using all available resources, including the purchase of available power from neighboring utilities.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation.