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Smart Talk: Giving customers a choice
November 18, 2014

One of the biggest reasons to forge ahead with smart meters can be summed up in one word: choice. An example would be a Raleigh resident who asked to be included in the 60,000 meter installation project. When MLGW installation trucks were in her area, she inquired about getting electric, gas and water smart meters at her home. Although her residence wasn't in the initial footprint, because a neighbor opted-out (only 3.6 percent of selected households chose to opt-out) she was able to take advantage of the new equipment.

The resident was anxious to opt-in because her water meter readings had been estimated on occasion, due to condensation on the meter dial and lots of dirt. Smart meters eliminate estimated bills, so customers pay for what they use and that appealed to the Raleigh resident. She chose to upgrade.

In addition to reducing fees, providing accurate billing, making meter reading hassle-free for customers with backyard pets and locked gates a non-issue, smart meters give customers more options.

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