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Smart Talk: Lifespan of electric meters
June 3, 2013

On average, an electric meter can operate effectively for 25 years.

Certified to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) criteria, these meters can have life spans far longer than consumer products. The same goes for gas and water meters (average life spans, 25 and 15 years respectively). MLGW’s existing meter replacement program replaces 30,000 meters per year. MLGW is committed to providing accurate, reliable service and billing—and smart meters are the next phase in that ongoing commitment.

MLGW’s selected vendor, Elster, has a 175-year industry track record manufacturing and supporting electric, gas and water meters of all types and sizes. They have approximately five million smart meter installations under their belt, with more every day. Elster smart meters have a designed battery life of 20-plus years. The batteries are guaranteed for two decades, but are expected to last even longer.

The selected Elster meters use low-signal, one-quarter watt communications and operate for less than 1 percent of the day, which enables such long battery life.

But let’s not forget that battery life isn’t the primary reason why smart meters are in the best interest of customers.

Smart meters are in the best interest of customers because customers will be empowered with more information that can save them money. Plus, Fido can stay worry free in a backyard where the gate is always locked.

For more information about smart meters, go to