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MLGW News Release
Home Weatherization Program Applications Open to Shelby County Homeowners
January 5, 2018

Online-only applications accepted for qualified residents starting Jan. 9

 Homeowners who need attic insulation, broken window replacements, HVAC, water heater and other repairs to make their homes more energy efficient, are encouraged to apply for MIFA and MLGW’s Share the Pennies Home Weatherization Program. Applications will be open online at to all qualified Shelby County homeowners starting Tuesday, Jan. 9 and will remain open pending the number of applications received relative to program capacity.

Weatherization repairs can protect a home from the elements and modify it to reduce energy consumption and maximize energy efficiency. Once installed, these energy-saving measures help to reduce heating and cooling costs for years to come. 

Residents are eligible to apply if they meet the following:             

  • 18 years or older
  • Homeowner who lives in Shelby County
  • Home is listed in the applicant’s name
  • Applicant lives in the home requested to be repaired
  • Current on City and County property taxes 
  • Applicant meets the income guidelines 
  • Active MLGW utility account in the applicant’s name with no diversion within the last seven years and any bad debt owed to MLGW is paid in full

Visit to apply, view the income guidelines and to see which weatherization projects can be completed through the program. No in-person applications will be accepted. Call the Share the Pennies Intake Line with application questions at 901-529-4561. 

The Share the Pennies bill round-up program began January 1, 2018. This opt-out program rounds up MLGW customers’ bills to the next whole dollar and funds grants for the home weatherization program for low-income homeowners to increase energy efficiency and reduce wasted energy. 

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 421,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.