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MLGW News Release
Utility scammers targeting small business owners
December 17, 2018

Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division has received a report of a scam call to a company (a restaurant) regarding a past due payment and the need to make a payment at Dollar Tree (or Family Dollar) to prevent disconnection.

While MLGW mails cut-off notices to customers and uses auto-dialers alerting them that payment must be made by a certain date to avoid cutoff, MLGW service representatives do not personally call a customer to request a payment.

If you get such a call, you are urged to do the following:

  • Hang up the phone.
  • Never give out personal financial information over the phone.
  • Call the MLGW Customer Care Center at 901-544-6549 if you have any concerns.
  • Report it to your local police station if you have been scammed.

Go to any of the five MLGW community business offices and speak with a credit counselor if you have problems paying your utility bill.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 431,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.

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