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MLGW online billing changes start Sunday, Nov. 18 
November 16, 2018

About 73,000 customers who pay their utility bills online utilizing a checking or savings account will be affected by a new change in MLGW’s billing system. The change starts Sunday, Nov. 18. 

Customers making a one-time payment must select if their funds are being processed from either: 

  • Personal checking or savings account 
  • Business checking or savings account

If you fail to make a selection, the payment won’t be processed. The new change will reduce the likelihood of a customer’s bank rejecting the transaction. 

Those who pay with a credit or debit card or through AutoPay are not affected. 

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation serving more than 431,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.


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