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MLGW News Release
MLGW Implementing New Security Measures on July 10 
July 5, 2018

Visitors and customers will be subject to new security measures, utilizing metal detectors and hand-held devices, at Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division five community offices, the David F. Hansen Administration Building on Main Street and Joyce M. Blackmon Training Center on Raleigh LaGrange Road starting July 10.

The security measures are required by a 2017 state law in order for MLGW to continue prohibiting the possession of firearms within its public buildings. 

MLGW Corporate Security will perform the screenings, conducted by means of walk-through magnetometers and hand-held metal detectors. Accommodations will be made for those with special needs and disabled as well as those using strollers, child carriers and wheelchairs. Visitors and customers will be asked to arrive earlier to minimize wait times and avoid bringing prohibited items, which include but are not limited to: 

• weapons of any type;
• firearms, ammunition and explosive devices;
• cutting instruments of any type including knives, scissors, box cutters, work tools and large metal nail files;
• handcuffs, handcuff keys, knitting needles or anything with a cutting edge, etc.;
• pepper spray, mace or any other chemical defense sprays;
• alcohol or illegal substances, including illegal drugs;
• toy guns, baseball bats or flammable liquids.

Those with prohibited items may be denied entry. Corporate Security will make every effort to ensure the screening process does not cause delays. 

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation.