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MLGW redesigns home page: Emphasis on easy navigation and new added features
June 17, 2008
Memphis Light, Gas and Water has introduced a new, more user-friendly main page design for its Web site, The new features allow for quick customer access of utility information. Through focus group studies and recommendations, MLGW has listened to its customers and designed a home page with easier navigation, greater flexibility and new features such as a live outage map.

The outage map incorporates Google Maps, which uses a zoom application that allows for more specific outage locations. The new map also features a graph that displays an approximate range of the number of customers that are currently experiencing an outage.

This feature accompanies other newer applications on the Web site, such as the recent My Account Dashboard, which provides free access to billing history, MLGW’s interactive blog, energy conservation tips and other useful items.

"The new front page design makes it easier for customers to quickly find what they are looking for; be it an important phone number, ways to save energy or ways to pay your bill," said MLGW President and CEO Jerry Collins. "The new, live online outage map is a very valuable tool. Customers will now be able to see how many outages affect a certain area and also receive an estimated time when a specific outage will be resolved."

MLGW has enhanced its "In The Community" section, which displays upcoming events, conferences and various functions where you can attend and get the answers you need on various issues. MLGW also features a variety of energy education events and presentations that will be continuously listed in this area.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 420,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County. A 2007 survey of large metropolitan areas showed that MLGW has the sixth lowest combined rates in the nation.