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MLGW News Release
We all can help with the ‘necessities’ campaign
September 10, 2018

Tampon and pads are a necessity and not a luxury for young ladies as they grow into womanhood. Many girls, as young as 11 are missing school in Shelby County because they do not have the proper ‘necessities’ but working together, we can help these girls get back in school with the confidence they need without being embarrassed. 

MLGW and its Council of Administrative Professionals (COAP) are hosting a drive now thru Sept. 28 to collect such items for Shelby County Schools through the United Way.

Drop items in the COAP box at any MLGW Community office:

245 South Main Street

5131 Navy Road

North Office-
2424 Summer Ave

South Office-
2935 Lamar Ave

Whitehaven Office-
1111 E. Shelby Drive


MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 431,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.

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