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MLGW News Release
Extended Payment Plans available through March 31
February 21, 2021

Disconnections for non-payment suspended until further notice

Memphis Light, Gas and Water Extended Payment Plans (EPPs) are available until March 31, 2021. This is a one-time payment plan that allows eligible customers to repay their past due balance over a 12-month period.

To participate, customers are required to pay at least 25% of their total indebtedness upfront. The remainder is then set up on a payment plan for up to 12 months. This payment plan was initially created in August of 2020 to assist customers affected by COVID-19. Additionally, there will be no disconnections for non-payment until further notice.

“We understand the extreme circumstances facing our customers and want to do our part to ease the burden,” says President Young.

Water Advisory Reminders:

· We are also asking customers to call our 24-hour Emergency number, 528-4465, if they see water coming out of the ground or out of homes or businesses. Business owners should check their water service and irrigation systems to ensure it has not ruptured.

· A burst water pipe or water heater is considered an emergency situation if the leak is inside the home or business, and if it poses a danger of flooding the building. To report an emergency, customers can call our 24-hour Emergency Hotline at 528-4465. MLGW employees are available 24-hours a day to respond to such emergencies. We will immediately respond by turning off the water supply to help minimize water damage.

· Precautionary Boil Water Advisory remains in effect until further notice. Water is safe for showering/handwashing but should be boiled for cooking or drinking. See for more information.

· Customers are asked to continue to conserve water until further notice. Reduce water use by taking shorter showers, delaying clothes washing etc. Curbing water usage will help out the water system.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 429,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.

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