Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division crews will be performing maintenance on a gas main, starting Wednesday, February 5, on Bailey Station Road, south of Winchester and north of Houston Levee roads.
This will impact one lane of southbound and one lane of northbound traffic on Bailey Station Road.
This work will start tomorrow at 7 a.m. and continue until 5 p.m. This job will continue daily until it is completed.
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving the residents of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee since 1939. MLGW consistently provides customers with rates that are amongst the lowest in the nation and stewards a water supply from artesian wells that is minimally treated. Actively engaged in promoting the prosperity of Memphis and Shelby County, MLGW supports the seven local chambers in its service area and makes doing business with local, minority- and women-owned business a priority. Deeply rooted in the community, its employees generously donate time and money in support of bettering the Greater Memphis area.