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MLGW CEO Supports Transition to More Efficient Aeroderivative Technology, Addition of Utility Scale Battery Storage and Solar Generation
August 23, 2023

Tomorrow, the TVA Board of Directors will hear a proposal from TVA staff to replace 16 Combustion Turbines at the TVA Allen Generation site with 6 modern aeroderivative units that reduce NOx emissions by 96% and operate with a 33% reduction in CO2 per MWHr generated. MLGW CEO Doug McGowen appeared at today’s TVA Board Listening Session lending his support for the transition of outdated equipment to newer, more efficient, state of the art systems. “This investment will not only improve grid resiliency in Western Tennessee, but will pave the way for installation of more solar, battery and other distributed energy resources, without impacting the reliability and quality of power that we all expect. The flexibility of these new machines to provide frequency support to the grid when in a non-fired/condensing mode and also to provide power production on demand represents a significant improvement in our ability to add the flexible mix of energy resources necessary to meet the growing demand we see in Memphis and Shelby County.” said McGowen.

In related news, MLGW has started the planning necessary to deliver utility scale battery storage of up to 100MW into the local electric distribution system. Once installed, these batteries will hold enough electricity to power the equivalent of 100,000 homes for four hours. This effort will help MLGW provide additional resilience in the face of increasing energy demand and will help achieve community goals by reducing reliance on conventional power plants to meet peak electricity demands.

Additionally, in its effort to meet the need for clean, affordable energy in 2024 MLGW will determine the feasibility and initial specifications for the first MLGW owned, utility scale, solar generation facilities, consistent with the current TVA power supply agreement. This solar i


Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving the residents of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee since 1939. MLGW consistently provides customers with rates that are amongst the lowest in the nation and stewards a water supply from artesian wells that is minimally treated. Actively engaged in promoting the prosperity of Memphis and Shelby County, MLGW supports the seven local chambers in its service area and makes doing business with local, minority- and women-owned business a priority. Deeply rooted in the community, its employees generously donate time and money in support of bettering the Greater Memphis area.

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