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MLGW News Release
MLGW receives TDEC Grant for Fast Charge TN Network
August 3, 2022

Memphis Light, Gas and Water is among the recipients of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) grant funding to install direct current fast charging (DCFC) infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) along prioritized interstate or major highway corridors across the state.

MLGW already plays an integral role in supplying electricity to EV owners who charge at their homes and businesses, as well as the more than 100 public charging sites in Shelby County. MLGW is pleased to join TDEC, TVA and other local power companies who were awarded Fast Charge TN Network grants.

“Together, we will expand public access to convenient, fast EV charging, alleviating fears of range anxiety and making EV charging a more visible activity so that when residents and businesses consider their next vehicle purchase, they also consider electric vehicle options,” stated J.T. Young, MLGW President and CEO. “MLGW is grateful to TDEC for this funding opportunity, and we look forward to operating fast charging sites that serve Shelby County residents, businesses and travelers.”

Learn more about MLGW’s EV efforts at, also at and

This project will be funded in part under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee’s Department of Environment and Conservation, under the State of Tennessee Volkswagen Diesel Settlement Environmental Mitigation Trust Fast Charge TN Network Grant Program.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 440,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.

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