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MLGW News Release
Overnight storms cause additional outages: Restoration efforts continue today
June 24, 2018

(June 24, 2018- 8:30 a.m.) MLGW crews will continue restoration efforts today. Overnight storms caused additional outages and predicted stormy weather later today will slow down restoration efforts.

More than 23,000 customers have been restored since the initial storm Saturday morning, but some customers experienced additional outages due to the second wave of storms overnight. Currently, about 18,000 customers are without service.

MLGW crews are working around the clock to restore power.

MLGW expects to complete full restoration efforts by Wednesday, June 27. We will provide updates as the restoration efforts continue. 

By 4 p.m. today, 25 out-of-town crews are expected to assist with restoration efforts. Out-of-town crews are traveling from Indiana, Kentucky, Nashville, Southern Illinois, Virginia and West Virginia.

There is extensive damage with many poles and wires needing replacement. Crews are reporting heavy damage in Whitehaven, Hickory Hill, Germantown, Collierville, and South Memphis. This morning’s storm brought additional damage to the northern part of Memphis. 

MLGW reminds customers to consider any downed wire to be dangerous and to not touch.

Important MLGW contact information for customers: 

•  Outage Reporting: 544-6500

•  Emergency: 528-4465 (This number should be treated like 911. Gas leaks, electrical lines down.)

•  Customer Care Center: 820-7878