Consistent with MLGW’s efforts to improve the reliability and resiliency of the electric grid and ensure the continued availability of affordable power for our customers for decades to come, MLGW will issue an RFP for 100MW of solar generation and 80MW of utility scale battery storage on March 14, 2025. This notice is intended to ensure the broadest possible awareness of potential vendors and allow them time to prepare for the opportunity and submit a proposal. (The RFP response due date is April 28, 2025.)
The proposed date for the first operation is Q3 2026.
· MLGW is seeking 100MW+/- of solar generation paired with 50MW+/- of 2- or 4-hour utility scale battery storage constructed on MLGW property, another property in the MLGW service territory, or other suitable property recommended by the vendor.
· MLGW will consider proposals that build generation for MLGW operation or for power purchase agreement (PPA) from an independent operator.
· MLGW is additionally seeking 20MW+/- of 2- or 4-hour utility scale battery storage installations at a predetermined MLGW substation, and another 10MW+/- within the distribution system. MLGW will consider proposals for additional utility scale battery installations within the distribution system as recommended by the vendor.
The MLGW point of contact is TaShay Yates, Procurement Contracts Specialist II, Contracts Management. Emails can be sent to
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving the residents of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee since 1939. MLGW consistently provides customers with rates that are amongst the lowest in the nation and stewards a water supply from artesian wells that is minimally treated. Actively engaged in promoting the prosperity of Memphis and Shelby County, MLGW supports the seven local chambers in its service area and makes doing business with local, minority- and women-owned business a priority. Deeply rooted in the community, its employees generously donate time and money in support of bettering the Greater Memphis area.