MLGW’s RFP seeking proposals for 100MW of solar generation and 80MW of utility-scale battery storage is now open. Potential vendors can review the opportunity in the MLGW Contracts RFP Portal at
Any questions or inquiries related to this RFP, Project, or the submission of Proposals and Evaluation, shall be directed solely to MLGW’s Contracts Management Team through MLGW’s RFP Portal. MLGW will post a list of questions and/or requests for clarifications it receives in the form of an addendum at Phone calls are prohibited.
Respondents must attend a mandatory orientation on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 1 p.m. to learn more about the expectations, specifications, and contract requirements and to receive the required appendices. The meeting will be held via Zoom. Advance registration is required:
Proposals must be submitted by April 28, 2025, at noon. All respondents must confirm their proposal was successfully uploaded to the MLGW RFP Portal by emailing TaShay Yates at For future updates, visit
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving the residents of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee since 1939. MLGW consistently provides customers with rates that are amongst the lowest in the nation and stewards a water supply from artesian wells that is minimally treated. Actively engaged in promoting the prosperity of Memphis and Shelby County, MLGW supports the seven local chambers in its service area and makes doing business with local, minority- and women-owned business a priority. Deeply rooted in the community, its employees generously donate time and money in support of bettering the Greater Memphis area.