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MLGW Sponsors Energy Efficiency Theater Performances at Two Local Schools
March 22, 2013

National Theatre for Children to Perform March 25

Elementary school students will enjoy a multi platform experience performed by the National Theatre for Children (NTC) to teach kids how to be more energy efficient. Sponsored by MLGW, the program will be delivered at South Park Elementary (1736 Getwell Road, from 9 a.m.-9:40 a.m.) and Sharpe Elementary (3431 Sharpe Avenue, from 12:45 p.m.-1:15 p.m.) on March 25, 2013. 
The Energized Guys and the Conservation Caper includes live theater performances, Internet and Interactive Whiteboard activities for students, along with print curriculum. Educators also receive teacher guides to help integrate the curriculum into their lesson plans and classroom posters that reinforce the key educational points from the live show. 
“We want our customers to develop wise energy usage habits, and by educating children about energy efficiency, we give them a head start to a lifetime of energy conservation,’ said Jerry Collins, Jr., MLGW President and CEO. 
Linking Resources with Electricity
Studies have shown that linking energy resources with electricity may help children understand the need for behavior changes, according to Ryan Bliss, project director at RIA, the Oregon-based behavior research firm with expertise in energy-related projects and energy audits. Based on a similar study conducted with 30,000 students, “The increased test scores among students who receive the NTC curriculum are highly suggestive that in-school energy education helps children learn concepts that can influence behaviors,” Bliss says. 
Powerful Teaching Tool
“Live theater is a powerful teaching tool, especially when combined with student workbooks, in-class discussion and homework assignments that engage parents,” affirms Ward Eames, Founder and President of NTC, an organization that has been bringing energy, environmental and social programs to U.S. schools for over 35 years. 
The Energized Guys and the Conservation Caper features two professional actors who play a variety of characters from the Super hero’s Nikki Neutron and Thunderstorm to the arch villain The Sneaker and more. The performance is action packed with high energy comedy. Students cheer on and learn from the hero, who needs to stop the villain from wasting all of the energy. 
Students learn:
  • How electricity is made
  • Uses of electricity
  • Identifying dangerous electrical situations
  • Staying safe around electricity 
Parents are encouraged to participate by completing the home energy survey and signing up for the energy efficiency starter kit, which includes a number of devices that help to cut down on a home’s energy use, because 98% of consumers feel it’s important to save energy in their homes.
About MemphisLight, Gas and Water
MLGW is the nation's largest three-service municipal utility, serving nearly 421,000 customers. Since 1939, MLGW has met the utility needs of Memphisand ShelbyCountyresidents by delivering reliable and affordable electricity, natural gas and water service. For more information visit
About The National Theatre for Children
Founded in 1978, NTC is the largest touring educational theatre company in the world. NTC performs over 7,000 times a year throughout the country, actively engaging 2.8 million students and parents through its programming. Visit us to see more dynamic K-12 enrichments programs.Visit