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MLGW News Release
MLGW 2015 Art Contest Open for Entries
November 19, 2015

Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division is once again sponsoring its annual Energy Awareness Poster Contest for students in Shelby County.

This year, the theme is “Saving Water” and the deadline for submissions is Friday, Dec. 4, 2015 at 4 p.m.

The students’ artwork will help to increase awareness about water conservation which will in turn help customers’ save money on their utility bills while preserving one our county’s most treasured natural resource. All students enrolled in grades K – 12 attending ANY school within Shelby County or are home schooled within Shelby County are eligible to enter the contest.

Judging will cover three categories: elementary school (grades K – 5), middle school (grades 6 – 8) and high school (grades 9 – 12). The entries will be judged on their ability to clearly and creatively communicate the theme "saving water." MLGW will oversee the judging of the artwork with non-employee judges.

Each category winner will receive a $125 award. Each winner's teacher will receive a $125 gift certificate to the Art Center. Home-schooled students will need validation from their parent/instructor. All contestants will receive a certificate of participation, and all entries become property of MLGW and may be used for future energy-saving promotional purposes.

Entries must be the original artwork of the student submitting the entry; photographs and computer-generated artwork will not be accepted. Contestants will submit their artwork to the art teacher at their participating school.

Entries Submission:

Shelby County Schools: James Wells (;

Home, Parochial, Private, Charter, Montessori and Independent schools should submit their entries to Felicia Pete (

More information, rules and entry forms can be found on MLGW’s website at or call (901) 528-4820 or e-mail