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MLGW named APEX Corporation of the Year by MMBC Continuum
November 6, 2015

The Mid-South Minority Business Council Continuum has awarded MLGW the title of 2015 APEX Corporation of the Year. The announcement was made during the annual Robert R. Church, Sr. Achievement Awards luncheon on Nov. 6.

The award recognizes a company that shows leadership in supporting companies and small businesses owned by minorities, women and local residents. In 2015, MLGW’s spending among these categories has been over $22 million — 38 percent of the company’s overall spending with outside suppliers.

This is the fifth year MLGW has earned the title, underscoring the company’s increased focus on supplier diversity. Procurement and Contracts Manager Jozelle Booker was excited for the recognition of her company and co-workers’ diligent efforts. “We are proud of our contributions to growing local businesses. It is great to see the Division’s results recognized,” said Booker.

Previous wins for MLGW were in 2011, 2007, 2004 and 2001. Other finalists this year were International Paper and the Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority. “The responsibility of supporting business diversity in our community is something we take seriously,” said Jerry Collins Jr, president and CEO of MLGW. “It’s an honor for MLGW to be named as a leader in this important effort.”

MLGW participates in many MMBC Continuum programs annually as well as providing financial and in-kind support. The company also hosts a number of internal programs to support minority- and women-owned businesses, including the annual Procurement Opportunity Fair, which provides a venue for business owners to meet one-on-one with MLGW project managers, end users and procurement professionals to discuss opportunities for the upcoming fiscal year.

To learn more about MLGW’s Supplier Diversity Program, visit