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MLGW News Release
Rusty Water Info
November 18, 2018

Early Sunday morning, MLGW had an equipment issue at our Mallory Pumping Station which resulted in some of our customers experiencing water quality issues.  This has caused some reddish/brownish water in our water distribution system. We have isolated the issue. Customers who are experiencing reddish water should call our call center at 544-6549 and we will dispatch a flushing crew. Crews are actively flushing the system to help clear up the water. Customers may also allow their water to run for a few minutes to see if the water will clear on its own.


Once MLGW has completed the water flushing process, the discoloration should go away.


Brown, rusty water occurs from sediment in the pipes or rust from the inside walls of water mains. The rust, or iron, can be disturbed and temporarily suspended in water with unusual water flows from water main breaks or maintenance or by flushing of a hydrant.  Iron is non-toxic.  While this is not aesthetically pleasing, it is non-toxic, and is not a health threat but can stain.  If you are experiencing this problem, you should flush your toilet three times in a fifteen minute interval, or until the water clears.  After the water clears in the toilet, flush other areas in the home until all areas in the home are clear.   This should clean out the residue in your service line, and clear the problem.  The water is safe to drink, but do not wash whites, since they will discolor.  If your water does not clear, call the Customer Care Center at 544-MLGW. 



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