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MLGW to distribute water to customers Wednesday
December 27, 2022
(Corrected - December 27, 2022, 10:30 p.m.) – Memphis Light, Gas and Water is distributing water tomorrow, December 28, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. (or whenever supplies are exhausted) at two locations:
  • First Baptist Church Broad, 2835 Broad Ave.
  • Iglesia Nueva Vida, 1348 National

A precautionary boil water advisory is in effect for all customers that receive water from MLGW. This excludes Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown and Millington. Non-potable water is available for customers at the Hickory Hill Community Center, 3910 Ridgeway Rd. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Non-potable water is for toilet flushing only; it is not for drinking.

There is no firm timeline for complete restoration; however, in a press conference Tuesday at City Hall, MLGW President and CEO Doug McGowen stated, “we are making progress.”

Since Thursday’s winter storm and freeze, MLGW crews have repaired around 30 broken water mains; and isolated and secured at least 42 sprinkler systems on private properties.

Up to 15% of the MLGW customers that do not have water do not have water because the water pressure is too low. As utility crews find and repair leaks, water pressure increases. Conservation efforts from MLGW customers also help raise water pressure. MLGW asks customers to continue conserving water.

Customers who see water coming from the street or a building should call the emergency hotline at 528-4465. Customers should not use the number to report outages or low water pressure.

Memphis Light, Gas and Water’s customer care number, 544-6549, is currently only accepting emergency calls. Customers can visit all open MLGW Community Office locations for account servicing: 245 S. Main Street, 2935 Lamar Ave., 1111 E. Shelby Dr., or 5131 Navy Rd. in Millington.


MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 440,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.

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