News Releases for: 2022
Sign up for MLGW’s Text Alert Notifications
December 30, 2022
In the wake of the recent winter storm, some customers asked: Does MLGW have a system that allows it to send automated texts with critical information? The answer is, “Yes.” During the storm, we used text alerts to communicate to 86,940 of our customers. Here’s a sample of t
MLGW closed in observance of New Year’s Day
December 29, 2022
(December 29, 2022) – Memphis Light, Gas and Water offices will be closed on Monday, January 2 in observance of New Year’s Day. Normal business operations will resume Tuesday, January 3. Customers can use My Account on MLGW’s secure website to check balances, make payment arrangem
Precautionary Boil Water Advisory Lifted
December 29, 2022
(December 29, 2022, 3:05 p.m.) – Effective immediately, the precautionary boil water advisory is lifted for all MLGW water customers. There are no restrictions on the normal use of drinking water supplied to all MLGW customers. This action has been taken in consultation with Tennessee Departm
MLGW to distribute water to customers Thursday
December 28, 2022
(December 28, 2022 – 10:30 p.m.) – Memphis Light, Gas and Water is distributing water tomorrow, December 29, (or whenever supplies are exhausted) at three locations:
New Salem Missionary Baptist Church
2237 S Parkway E, noon to 2 p.m.
Southwest Community Col
Statement from the President
December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022 – 6 p.m.
MLGW customers and partners,
By now, most of you already know the good news: our water system is well on its way to full recovery. For most of our system, customers are enjoying normal pressure and water availability. I anticipate that by the
Drought Management Plan Rescinded
December 28, 2022
(December 28, 2022—11 a.m.) – MLGW has lifted restrictions as detailed by its Drought Management Plan due to improved water pressure and volume in its water distribution system. Car washes can resume normal operations. Industrial customers can flush out their systems and are no longer a
MLGW to distribute water to customers Wednesday
December 27, 2022
(Corrected - December 27, 2022, 10:30 p.m.) – Memphis Light, Gas and Water is distributing water tomorrow, December 28, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. (or whenever supplies are exhausted) at two locations:
First Baptist Church Broad, 2835 Broad Ave.
Iglesia Nueva Vida, 1348 National
“We are heading in the right direction.”
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022 – 6 p.m., statement from the president
To MLGW customers and partners,
Thanks to the incredible efforts of MLGW crews and staff over the last 48 hours, and cooperation from our many partners, residents and businesses, we are heading in the right direction to recover fr
MLGW Call Center answering emergency calls only
December 27, 2022
(December 27, 2022, 10 a.m.) – The Memphis Light, Gas and Water Call Center is handling emergency calls only at this time. Customers with non-emergenency, customer service questions, should speak to a Service Advisor at one of these MLGW Community Office locations:
5131 Navy Road,
WHAT: A winter weather update will held at Memphis City Hall, Hall of Mayors, on Tuesday, December 27 at noon. MLGW President and CEO Doug McGowen will provide status updates as well as tips and resources for Memphians.
WHO: Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, MLGW President and CEO Doug McGowen and C
MLGW to distribute water to customers Tuesday
December 26, 2022
(December 26, 2022, 8 p.m.) – Memphis Light, Gas and Water is distributing water tomorrow, December 27, from 10 a.m. to noon (or whenever supplies run out) at two locations:
Pleasant Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, 4813 Benjestown Rd.
Hickory Ridge Mall, 6075 Winchester Rd.
Statement from the President
December 26, 2022
December 26, 2022 – 7 p.m.
To MLGW customers,
Overnight and all day today our team and contracted partners have continued to find and fix broken water mains, and to secure water for residential and commercial customers who have broken pipes that are causing leaks. So far, our te
MLGW Emergency Water Management
December 26, 2022
(December 26, 2022 - 3:45pm) - MLGW has initialized the Emergency Water Management Phase of the Drought Management Plan. All customers need to limit all non-essential water uses as MLGW works to find, fix or isolate main breaks and broken water services. All non-essential water uses such as washing
MLGW schedules bottled water donations and distribution
December 25, 2022
(December 25, 2022 – 6 p.m.) Memphis Light, Gas and Water is accepting donations of unopened cases of bottled water Monday, December 26 from 8 – 11 a.m. at the Lamar Avenue Community Office, 2935 Lamar Ave.
Donations, and bottled water from MLGW, will be distributed Monday, December
MLGW customers experience low water pressure and water outages
December 24, 2022
(December 24, 2022 – 9:15 p.m.) Early in the Arctic Blast, two areas in our service territory experienced low water pressure, and in some cases water outages. This prompted a boil water advisory for Southeast and North Shelby County.
Since mid-afternoon on December 24, a growi
(December 24, 2022 – 8:15 p.m.) Due to freezing weather and power outages, Memphis Light, Gas and Water has experienced multiple line breaks which has resulted in a significant loss of pressure to Memphis and Shelby County in the drinking water system. As a precautionary measure we are asking
(December 24, 2022 – 8:15 p.m.) Due to freezing weather and power outages, Memphis Light, Gas and Water has experienced multiple line breaks which has resulted in a significant loss of pressure to Memphis and Shelby County in the drinking water system. As a precautionary measure we are asking
Statement from the President
December 24, 2022
( December 24, 2022 – 7 p.m.)
To all MLGW customers,
It has been a challenging few days for our community. At this time, the TVA grid is stable and power consumption is within a range that we can say the risk of additional forced blackouts is low for Christmas Eve and Christmas D
(December 24, 2022 – 6:30 p.m.) At 5 p.m. Saturday, approx. 876 of Memphis Light, Gas and Water customers remain without power. Utility and tree trimming crews will continue working until service is restored to all customers.
75,000 Peak number of outages
35,000 – Total customers
Media Q & A
December 24, 2022
Media Q & A file