News Releases for: 2019
MLGW Closed New Year’s Day
December 26, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division offices will be closed Wednesday, January 1 in observance of New Year’s Day. Normal business operations will resume Thursday, January 2, 2020.
MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 429,000 cus
MLGW Customer Care Center hours are changing to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
December 23, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is changing its Customer Care Center hours, which customers can reach at 544-6549, from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. starting January 6, 2020. The greatest call volume is between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. This change will make MLGW more efficient and help us better serve
MLGW Board Meeting (Dec. 18)
December 13, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Memphis. Public Board of Commissioners Meetings are held at 8:30 a.m., the first and third Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted), at MLGW Administrati
MLGW to read meters Saturday, December 14
December 11, 2019
In an effort to better serve our customers and protect them from being billed for 35 or more days of service, it is sometimes necessary for MLGW to read meters on Saturdays. This Saturday, December 14, 2019 MLGW will read customer meters.
MLGW is the largest three-service public power ut
MLGW climbs to number seven in Security 500 Rankings
December 6, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water recently climbed to number seven in the 2019 Security 500 Rankings in the Utilities (Energy, Electric, Gas, Nuclear, Oil, Water, Wastewater) sector.
The Security 500 tracks 20 vertical markets and collects unique data where appropriate and applies this data to key me
MLGW Board Meeting (Dec. 4, 2019)
November 27, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Memphis. Public Board of Commissioners Meetings are held at 8:30 a.m., the first and third Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted), at MLGW Administrati
MLGW Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving
November 21, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division offices will be closed Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday, Nov. 29 in observance of Thanksgiving. Normal business operations will resume Monday, Dec. 2.
MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 429,000 custome
IRP Community Meeting will be held Nov. 21
November 19, 2019
Deadline approaches for MLGW customer feedback
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division hosts its second, “Your Power, Your Voice” community engagement meeting to discuss the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Nov. 21 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at Southwest Tennessee Community College, Multi-
Memphis City Council 11/19/19 Meeting Agenda
November 18, 2019
Memphis City Council is scheduled to review MLGW's budget an convene as a rate making body. Memphis City Council meetings are held on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m., Council Chambers, First Floor, City Hall, 125 North Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103.
November 19, 2019 Memphis City Council Agenda
MLGW Board Meeting (Nov. 20)
November 15, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Memphis. Public Board of Commissioners Meetings are held at 8:30 a.m., the first and third Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted), at MLGW Administrati
MLGW Promotes Gas Safety Awareness November 15
November 14, 2019
MLGW Teams Up with Local Lowe’s Stores for Gas Safety Awareness Campaign
Memphis Light, Gas and Water and Lowe’s Home Improvement Stores in Shelby County are teaming up to promote natural gas safety awareness, gas leak detection and response, gas appliance safety, pipeline safety and
MLGW and TVA host robotics showcase for area students
November 8, 2019
Students from Shelby County and surrounding areas will display their robotic constructions today from 9-10:45 a.m. at the MLGW Administration Building, 220 S. Main St.
This is the fourth year for this event sponsored by MLGW’s Junior Engineer/Professional Engineer (JEPE) program and TVA, w
MLGW customers eligible for electric vehicle rebate
November 6, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water customers who purchase a Nissan LEAF are eligible to receive a special rebate of up to $3500. Nissan, the American Public Power Association (APPA) and TVA have partnered to offer rebates on the all-electric 2019 Nissan LEAF. A federal income tax credit up to $7,500 may
MLGW Closed Veterans Day
November 4, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division offices will be closed Monday, Nov. 11 in observance of Veterans Day. Normal business operations will resume Tuesday, Nov. 12.
MLGW Board Meeting (Nov. 6)
November 1, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Memphis. Public Board of Commissioners Meetings are held at 8:30 a.m., the first and third Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted), at MLGW Administrati
MLGW’s Power Supply Advisory Team’s (PSAT) final meeting of the year set for Thursday, November 7
November 1, 2019
The PSAT will provide input into MLGW’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)
MLGW’s Power Supply Advisory Team (PSAT) will meet for the last time this year on Thursday, November 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library, 3030 Poplar Avenue.
The authors of p
MLGW and TVA host robotics showcase for area students
October 31, 2019
Students from Shelby County and surrounding areas will display their robotic constructions on Friday, Nov. 8 from 9-10:45 a.m. at the MLGW Administration Building, 220 S. Main St.
This is the fourth year for this event sponsored by MLGW’s Junior Engineer/Professional Engineer (JEPE) progra
MLGW leadership meets with customers tonight
October 29, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division will host a Power Hour meeting tonight, from 6 – 7 p.m., at the Hickory Hill Community Center, 3910 Ridgeway.
Public, town-hall style Power Hour meetings give MLGW leadership an opportunity to meet customers and address concerns in person. Customer Car
MLGW is continuing restoration efforts, ninety-nine percent of customers initially impacted have been restored
October 28, 2019
(October 25, 2019, 1:30 p.m.) – Under 200 customers in Memphis and Shelby County remain without power after severe storms and an EF-1 tornado Monday morning. Customers are urged to make MLGW aware of their outage by calling 901-544-6500. As crews work to make the biggest impact by restoring m
MLGW leadership to meet with customers
October 24, 2019
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division will host a Power Hour meeting October 29, from 6 – 7 p.m., at the Hickory Hill Community Center, 3910 Ridgeway Rd.
Public, town-hall style Power Hour meetings give MLGW leadership an opportunity to meet customers and address concerns in person. Custom