MLGW has numerous educational materials that can assist you in your classroom.
We have tours, learning labs, videos, scholarships and more!
A-Blazing Race
MLGW A-BLAZING model solar car race targets Shelby County students in grades six through twelve. Students design and build a model car at their schools that is powered strictly by solar power and compete in speed races during the University of Memphis Engineering Day. (On hiatus)
AABE Scholarship Program
The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) is a professional association composed of African Americans in the energy industry. Through its Scholarship Program, the Association seeks to help increase the number of African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans (underrepresented minorities) in energy related fields. Scholarship recipients - known as AABE Scholars - are determined each spring by the organization’s local chapter scholarship committee for local scholarships. For more information email mlgwcsr@mlgw.org
Art Contest
The MLGW Art Contest is designed to give all students (K-12) residing within the MLGW service areas of Shelby County the opportunity to learn about an energy related topic and share ideas by creating art poster entries. For the past 5 years, the art contest has reinforced utility related topics through the creation and design of new Power League characters.
Robotics Showcase
MLGW’s Junior Engineer/Professional Engineer (JEPE) program members partner with TVA for a robotics showcase to promote STEM education and involvement among the next generation of public power professionals. Students from Shelby County and surrounding areas display their robotic constructions at the MLGW Administration Building.
Classroom Resources
Energy Star for Kids
WaterSense for Kids
ENERGYSmart Library
Learning Labs (Coming Soon)
MLGW offers a limited number of Learning Labs to teachers to work with students in hands on activities related to the utility industry. To request a lab:
- Solar Energy
- Water Filtration
- Circuits
- Water Wizard
Sheahan Water Pumping Station Tour
MLGW hosts a limited number of tours of its Water Operations department at Sheahan Water Pumping Station near the University of Memphis to school groups of 3rd - 8th grade students and 9th - 12th grade science-class students. Students observe the water treatment process, tour the Water Quality Assurance Laboratory and learn how water makes it from the underground aquifers to their faucet.
Speakers Bureau
MLGW offers speakers to all schools in Shelby County. Speaker options range from classroom presentation to participation in informational fairs and Career-on-Wheels event. At these events, knowledgeable MLGW employees speak to youth about a variety of utility-related topics such as energy awareness, conservation, safety, the utility industry, and utility careers.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
For an array of resources from TVA for students and teachers such as lessons, games and grants, visit tva.com/stem
Virtual Classroom
- MLGW Careers
- Conservation Girl Animated Series
- Games
- Sheahan Pumping Station Tour
- Water Quality Lab Tour

Special Programs
Adopt-a-School Program
MLGW partners with Craigmont Middle School (a Memphis Shelby County School) to provide/support student academics, enrichment activities, and recognition programs to boost student academic achievements. MLGW leaders attend speaking engagements as opportunities to personally motivate students to successful educational journeys. This partnership also donates for National Teacher Appreciation Week to honor teachers for their contributions to the school and stakeholders. Students are encouraged to consider careers in the utility industry as part of the MLGW Workforce Pipeline.
MLGW employees are active members of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE). For the annual Black Energy Awareness Month (BEAM) activity, members provide an interactive learning environment for junior and high school students to broaden their knowledge about the energy industry and new technology, as well as enhance their exposure to various career opportunities within the energy field.
Co-Ops and Internships
MLGW offers full-time, paid cooperative education and internship positions to qualified candidates working towards a college degree. Students usually alternate between work and school for a minimum of three to a maximum of six periods to gain hands-on experience while working on challenging projects, networking with professionals, and learning from some of the most knowledgeable people in the utility industry. During this time, students must maintain the scholastic standards established by MLGW and the educational institution, plus maintain a good work record to remain in the program. Students are encouraged to continue with a career in the utility industry as part of the MLGW Workforce Pipeline.
Externship Teacher Program
In conjunction with the MLGW Career Pipeline, MLGW has partnered with the Memphis Chamber of Commerce for its Externship Program. MLGW will host an Extern from Craigmont High School for Summer 2023. This program is designed to develop future employees for the MLGW workforce. The Extern will spend two weeks learning about available careers at MLGW in order to share first-hand information with students at Craigmont High School. While open to all CHS students, the Externship Program at Craigmont High School is a culmination for future employee recruitment, as well as a commencement, for students who have participated in the MLGW STEM Educational Support Program (for elementary students) and have attended Craigmont Middle School, MLGW’s adopted school.
MLGW STEM Educational Support Program
MLGW STEM ESP is an educational outreach for Memphis Shelby County School students in grades 3rd through 5th. The program was originally initiated by the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1996. While the mission of providing hands-on learning experiences and skill development that support student enrichment and connect student academics to careers in the modern-day workforce remains, this objective is met through a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) content. The Vision of our program is to be a superior academic support program for student enrichment and exploration of careers in the utility industry.
Summer Youth Initiatives
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division works in collaboration with the Mayor’s City of Memphis Ambassadors Program to provide summer internships for graduating seniors. Students work up to 30 hours per week for a maximum of 120 hours over a six-week period. Internships are offered in various areas of MLGW, allowing students to gain valuable work experience and mentoring by seasoned professionals. Students are encouraged to consider careers in the utility industry as part of the MLGW Workforce Pipeline.
Utility & Line Worker Boot Camp
MLGW has partnered with Memphis Shelby County Schools and Southwest Tennessee Community College to provide a pipeline from high school to a career at MLGW in the field of Utility Worker and Electric Utility Construction. Training includes technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills topics, which industry leaders have identified as critical to educational training and long-term employee success. The MLGW/MSCS/SWTCC pipeline includes Dual Enrollment Courses and a paid 2–4-week Summer Cadet Bootcamp. The program currently serves students at Cordova and Whitehaven High Schools with plans to expand to Craigmont High School and others in Fall 2024. Summer Bootcamp is open to all MSCS Juniors and Seniors. Interested students should see their school guidance counselor for participation information.
Weekend Academy
Weekend Academy is an educational outreach program originally initiated by the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1996. It is now being re-launched as the Memphis STEM Weekend Academy. While the mission of improving oral and written communications, thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills remains, this objective is met through a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) content.