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2010 - Redbirds
The Memphis Redbirds went green in April 2010 with help from #MLGW. Employee volunteers gave out conservation tips, energy-saving kits, and CFL bulbs to people who went to the Redbirds game that night. #FBF #InTheCommunity #MLGW #ServingYouIsWhatWeDo

Recent Flashback Fridays

2010 - Agricenter
Volunteer MLGW employees staffed a booth at the Agricenter in 2010. They got to meet customers, hand out conservation kits, and play games with visitors. Stop by the MLGW booth this year at the Delta Fair. It kicks off today! #FBF #InTheCommunity #MLGW #ServingYouIsWhatWeDo

2018 - A-Blazing Race
We had an A-Mazing time at the 2018 “A-Blazing Race.” With help from MLGW Engineering staff students in grades six through 12 designed, constructed, and raced model solar cars at the University of Memphis Herff College of Engineering. The A-Blazing Race is sponsored by MLGW, University of Memphis and the American Association of Blacks in Energy. #FBF #InTheCommunity #MLGW #ServingYouIsWhatWeDo