Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division appreciates our business relationship with you, and we are pleased to provide carbon data and opportunities which may allow further reduction of your organization’s carbon footprint.
MLGW does not generate electricity. Our power supplier, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), has reduced carbon emissions by 63%, compared to a 2005 baseline. Further actions, including 80% carbon reduction by 2035 and an aspirational goal of net-zero by 2050, are outlined in TVA’s Carbon Report, published May 2021. Today, more than 57% of TVA’s electricity is generated from clean, carbon-free sources.
General Power Customer and TVA system Carbon Data:

For customers consuming electricity under the General Power Rate, shown as “E2” on your MLGW bill and the “GSA” rate online, the CY2022 CO2 emission rate average for MLGW electricity purchases is 671.11 lbs/MWh. The CO2 rates disclosed reflect TVA’s CY2022 renewable energy credit adjustment, which resulted in a reduction of 3.5% in the as-delivered CO2 lbs/MWh rate. Consistent with generally accepted carbon accounting standards and in response to customer requests, actual CO2 emissions have been annually allocated to customers in the same manner as costs.
TVA’s 2022 system-wide carbon emission rate of 658.06 CO2 lbs/MWh is 29% percent below the current EPA eGRID regional average of 931.59 CO2 lbs/MWh and 23% below the EPA eGRID national average of 852.30 lbs/MWh. Your company will benefit from using the CO2 emission rate associated with your MLGW electricity purchases, rather than the current eGRID data, for Scope 2 carbon reporting.
These CO2 emission rates, as well as the rates for other regions of the United States, can be found on the EPA website.
General Mix Data:
This CY2022 CO2 lbs/MWh rate includes emissions and generation from TVA-owned and -purchased power. TVA does not create or transfer RECs from any of its hydroelectric sources. Therefore, consistent with CDP guidance, the hydroelectric * energy percentage disclosed in this factsheet also can be reported as renewable to CDP. This as-delivered aggregated generation was comprised of the resource mix shown in the pie chart above. The Renewables segment included 1.683% wind, 0.242% solar, 0.001% biomass and 0.162% biogas, while Null Power included RECs-encumbered renewable sources that have not been retired to the generation mix or sold.
Statement of Self-Certification:
In partnership with TVA, MLGW provides as-delivered CO2 emission rates to its customers in a manner consistent with generally accepted carbon accounting standards, such as: The Climate Registry’s Electric Power Sector Protocol for the Voluntary Reporting Program, the new World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Scope 2 Guidance. These standards are now routinely used to disclose GHG emissions in corporate reports, SEC filings, and to public disclosure organizations such as CDP, The Climate Registry (TCR), EcoVadis, or the S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index .
Note: Your company’s greenhouse gas accounting situation may still require you to quantify your Scope 2 emissions associated with electricity use for CH4 and N2O, using applicable default factors for these gases
Climate Profile Improvement Opportunities:
A competitive carbon footprint can translate into increased sales. If your company has GHG performance goals and/or participates in public disclosure of its GHG inventory, the availability of lower TVA-specific CO2 lbs/MWh may improve your competitiveness.
The following are opportunities to consider:
- Electrification: Increase electrification to potentially decrease direct CO2 (Scope 1) emissions associated with heating, non-electrical processes, and fleet vehicles. If your company is considering electric vehicles, contact MLGW early in your planning process to discuss charging equipment needs.
- Energy Management: Shift as much energy usage as practical from system peaks (which are met by generation with higher carbon emissions) to system valleys (where generation has lower carbon emissions).
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Your company can decrease indirect CO2 (Scope 2) emissions associated with purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling use by implementing energy efficiency measures and/or participating in renewable energy programs.
- GHG Disclosure and the Relationship with Investment: Thousands of companies across the world report their GHG emissions and energy use. Institutional investors use the resulting disclosures to help reveal risk in their investment portfolios.
- Supplier Disclosure: In its 2022 CDP Global Supply Chain Report, over 200 CDP supply chain members—such as Dell, PepsiCo, and Wal-Mart—leveraged their $5 trillion of procurement spend to request information using the Global CDP system to mitigate environmental risk in their supply chains. These companies requested 40,697 of their suppliers to disclose information through a series of questions on climate risks and opportunities.
Carbon risk management strategies are company-specific and dependent on GHG accounting scope. MLGW and TVA representatives will be pleased to assist you in reviewing your CO2 reduction options, exploring energy efficiency opportunities and reviewing renewable energy options.
To request assistance, call the MLGW Business Solutions Center at 901-528-4270 or email