Strengthening commercial sales, attracting industrial customers, promoting redevelopment and enhancing reliability to maximize system capacity, offset costs for current customers and create economic opportunity for all.
MLGW combined utility rates are 37% lower than peer communities, electric reliability exceeds 99.9% and the team is prepared to find custom solutions for growing commercial and industrial customer needs.
Economic Development
Beyond promotion of community benefits and development opportunities, MLGW designs, constructs and delivers utility solutions to meet your unique business needs.
Existing Business Assistance
MLGW offers a concierge customer experience for large, complex and essential commercial customers, creating personalized strategic utility management programs.
Energy Efficiency & Demand Response
MLGW, with partners like TVA, work to lower utility costs, improve energy efficiency, and manage resources for businesses of all sizes and across all industries.
MLGW is ready to meet the utility needs of a growing Memphis economy. The MLGW Economic & Business Department promotes commercial and industrial development in our area. Expansion of local businesses and location of new industries drives the economic growth of our community, improving the quality of life for all of our customers.
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