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Memphis Light, Gas and Water's AutoPay is the easiest way to pay your monthly utility bill. Enrolling in the plan is simple, and you'll never have to write a check to pay your bill again. You can sign up using the forms at the bottom of the page or login to My Account to set-up AutoPay.

Simply authorize your bank and MLGW to automatically deduct your utility bill from your checking account each month. You will still receive your utility bill statement so that you can monitor your usage. However, instead of sending your payment back through the mail, the amount will be deducted directly from your checking account on (or in some cases, 1-2 days after) the net due date shown on your bill.

If you are out of town, on vacation or cannot check your mailbox every day, you won't have to remember to pay your bill. Through the AutoPay plan, your bank and MLGW will work together to eliminate the hassle of mailing in your monthly utility payment.

Saves time and money:
When you use the AutoPay plan, you eliminate check writing and postage or waiting in line to pay your bill. In addition, you will build and maintain excellent credit with MLGW since every payment will reach us right on time.

You maintain control:
This plan is for your convenience. Should you desire to leave the AutoPay plan at any time, simply notify us in writing. We'll remove you from the plan within 10 business days of your request.

You may also choose to manage your AutoPay after it's set up by enrolling on the WEB through My Account.  You will be able to track your payments, see your bill and receive payment confirmation emails.  You can also change your AutoPay by deleting the system managed AutoPay rule and adding a new AutoPay rule that you completely manage.

Join AutoPay today:
Good news! If you are an existing customer with a positive MLGW payment history, or a new customer with a good credit assessment and have a checking account at an area bank that is a member of the ACH, you're eligible for AutoPay. To apply, simply fill out the attached Authorization Agreement, attach a voided check (to make sure we have your correct account number), and we'll do the rest.

Due to the timing of mailing and processing your request, activation may not occur before you receive your next bill. Once activated, your bill will have a message on it that states: DO NOT PAY: Your account will be drafted on or after (due date).   

If you need to change your banking information you will need to notify MLGW first by calling our  Payments and Banking area at 528-4643. You will be mailed a change form or you may obtain the change form from the WEB at  The form must be completed and signed.  Return to the address on the form with a voided check or savings document verifying the new account number. In order to protect you, account number changes cannot be taken over the telephone.

Simply download the AutoPay application below, fill it out and mail to:

Payments and Banking
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division
PO Box 388
Memphis, TN 38145-0388


Click here to download the AutoPay application.

AutoPay change form

AutoPay cancellation form