Although the TVA documents required will vary based on which generation option you pursue, every project will require familiarity with MLGW processes, policies and requirements, as well as execution of the MLGW Application for Interconnection, MLGW Interconnection and Parallel Operations Agreement and a Distributed Generation System Acceptance Form.
- Applicant and installer should be familiar with MLGW Distributed Generation Process Overview
and MLGW Service Policy Manual.
- Applicant and installer must review the MLGW Distributed Generation System Requirements
to ensure proposal meets specifications.
- Applicant must download, complete and return MLGW’s Application for Interconnection
—along with required attachments and application fee—to begin any project request.
- MLGW will issue an Interconnection and Parallel Operations Agreement once the project has been approved by MLGW and TVA, thus serving as a notice to proceed with purchasing components and system installation. See Sample
. Customer must sign and return this form, along with insurance documentation.
- MLGW will issue a Distributed Generation System Acceptance Form upon successful completion of the acceptance test. (For Green Power Providers, this form must be completed electronically via the TVA portal. For other options, this is a paper document.)