Rod Cleek is Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary-Treasurer at Memphis Light, Gas and Water. Mr. Cleek joined MLGW in December 1999 as a Rates Engineer and was later promoted to Assistant Manager and Manager within the Budget, Plant and Rates Department before working as a Vice President for MLGW.
He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Memphis in 1995 and a Master of Business Administration Degree from Christian Brothers University in 2002.
Mr. Cleek is a Professional Engineer, a Certified Municipal Finance Officer and a Certified Energy Manager. He currently serves on the Board of the Engineers’ Club of Memphis and is a graduate of the Executive Program of Leadership Memphis. He is actively involved in his church and serves as a Deacon. Mr. Cleek also serves as a Board Member for the MLGW Pension and OPEB trust funds.
• Annual Financial Disclosure