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MLGW Power Hour

Stay in touch with Memphis, Light, Gas and Water by attending Power Hour community meetings. We would like to know what kinds of things are on your mind. Please let us know by completing the Power Hour survey.

Memphis Light, Gas and Water hosts Power Hour Community Meetings to give utility leadership a chance to meet and talk with customers face-to-face.

MLGW hosted Power Hour Community Meetings on Thursday, July 20 at the Ed Rice Community Center, and on Friday, July 21 at the Bartlett Performing Arts Center. Watch a recording of the Bartlett Power Hour below. 

MLGW President and CEO Doug McGowen presented the Orange Mound Initiative at a Power Hour May 25 at the Glenview Community Center.  President McGowen goes into detail about infrastructure improvements already underway in Orange Mound and the surrounding areas, and talks about what improvements are still to come. Please excuse the quality of the video; it was taken on a cell phone. It is not great, but the information is important. 

Community Offices, Fuel Cost Adjustments, and the Infrastructure Improvement Plan
In a Power Hour Community Meeting August 25, 2022 MLGW leadership shared information about the future of the utility's power supply. Leadership made its recommendation to the MLGW Board of Commissioners on September 1. MLGW President and CEO J.T. Young gave an update on the five-year infrastructure plan also. Watch the August meeting below. 

Outage Improvement Plans and the Future of the Power Supply 
Watch the May 19 Power Hour community meeting as Division leadership presented its five-year plan, the latest from the Outage Improvement Advisory Team, and customer service news. 

Storm Response and Infrastructure Improvements
Memphis Light, Gas and water hosted a virtual Power Hour community meeting Thursday, March 17, 2022. 
Division President and CEO J.T. Young discussed lessons learned from Winter Storm Landon and infrastructure improvements. Click below to watch. 

MLGW: Looking to the Future
MLGW hosted a virtual Power Hour Community Meeting October 21 and talked about the IRP, outage management and more. Click below to watch a recording of that meeting.

At a Power Hour Community Meeting in July MLGW leadership talked about upcoming changes in Customer Care and My Account. Some of those enhancements include: more Customer Care agents hired to respond to calls, doubling the capacity of MLGW Customer Care phone lines, and better outage and service order communication between MLGW and customers through My Account. 

Click below to watch a recording of that meeting. 

Power Hour News:


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