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- It is the policy of Memphis Light, Gas and Water that no employee is to seek to represent MLGW in conversing with, providing information to, or otherwise discuss or disclose company-related information to any member of the media without prior approval from the VP of Community and External Affairs, President or such person as might be designated by the President.
- The MLGW Media Relations staff will work to line up any appropriate interviews for your inquiry. Please direct all requests for interviews of MLGW personnel to the Media Relations Department In most cases media will be accompanied by a member of the Media Relations department while on MLGW property.
- Public Records Request Form
- Media Inquiry Policy
Major Outages
- In the case of major restoration efforts, the Media Relations department will seek to give updates, either via news release or a phone call, to media outlets on a regular basis. The department will do its best to have these times coincide with broadcast and publications.
Public Records
- Download MLGW's Public Records Request form
- MLGW fees for copying black and white documents and records are 15 cents per copy (for 8 ½ x11 or 8 ½ x14 pages). A charge of 50 cents will be assessed per page for color copies.
- Depending on the size and complexity of the request, additional production and labor charges may also apply.
- MLGW will continue to utilize the most cost efficient means of producing the records, such as emailing PDF documents. No copy charges will be assessed for emailed documents.
- In accordance with the Tennessee Public Records Act (T.C.A. 10-7-503 et. seq.), MLGW allows inspection of public records except records which are confidential under T.C.A. 10-7-504 and other applicable provisions of law. Confidential records include, but are not limited to, attorney-client privileged documents and certain records of employees and their immediate families and households as set out in T.C.A. 10-7-504 including unpublished telephone numbers, bank account information, social security numbers, and non-business related driver's license information.
- Document inspection will be allowed during regular business hours, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by any citizen of Tennessee who requests such information after completion of the Inspection Request Form.
- All persons, agencies, and the media requesting access to MLGW records must do so in writing stating the types of records requested on the Inspection Request form. Click here to download the form, or call MLGW Public Records at (901) 528-4557. The form may be submitted in person, mailed or faxed (if notarized).
- Corporate Communications will be responsible for processing the request and consulting with the Legal Department and other areas as needed.
The MLGW Corporate Communications staff will work to line up any appropriate interviews for your inquiry.
Please direct all requests for interviews of MLGW personnel to the Corporate Communications Department at (901) 528-4557 or by emailing
Media requests cannot be submitted via Social Media.
All Information © 2025 Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division (MLGW). All Rights Reserved.