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MLGW issues Request for Proposal (RFP)
for solar generation and utility scale battery storage


Consistent with MLGW’s efforts to improve the reliability and resiliency of the electric grid and ensure the continued availability of affordable power for our customers for decades to come, MLGW has issued an RFP for 100MW of solar generation and 80MW of utility scale battery storage.

  • MLGW is seeking 100MW+/- of solar generation paired with 50MW+/- of 2- or 4-hour utility scale battery storage constructed on MLGW property, another property in the MLGW service territory, or other suitable property recommended by the vendor.
  • MLGW will consider proposals that build generation for MLGW operation or for power purchase agreement (PPA) from an independent operator.
  • MLGW is additionally seeking 20MW+/- of 2- or 4-hour utility scale battery storage installations at a predetermined MLGW substation, and another 10MW+/- within the distribution system. MLGW will consider proposals for additional utility scale battery installations within the distribution system as recommended by the vendor.


Respondents must attend a mandatory online orientation on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 1 p.m. to learn more about the expectations, specifications, and contract requirements and to receive the required appendices

Failure to attend the mandatory orientation meeting will cause MLGW to deem your proposal non-responsive, and your proposal will not be evaluated or considered for the award. Respondents must attend the Mandatory Orientation Meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 1:00 PM CST to receive the required Appendices


Any questions or inquiries related to this RFP, Project, or the submission of Proposals and Evaluation, shall be directed solely to MLGW’s Contracts Management Team through MLGW’s RFP Portal. Questions about the RFP must be submitted in writing by Friday, March 28, 2025, at noon. Phone calls are prohibited. MLGW will post a list of questions and/or requests for clarifications it receives in the form of an Addendum.


An electronic copy of the Respondent’s proposal must be uploaded to MLGW’s RFP portal,, as specified in this RFP, on or before Noon CST on Monday, April 28, 2025. You must have an existing account or create a new account to access MLGW’s RFP Portal. Respondents must complete and upload a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement to the MLGW RFP portal to participate in the RFP bidding process. Refer to the attached Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement.



All proposals must be received in MLGW’s RFP Portal, as stated above, by Monday, April 28, 2025, at noon.


It is the responsibility of the respondent to confirm that MLGW has received your electronic submission. If MLGW does not confirm receipt, it is possible that your proposal was not received. All respondents must confirm their proposal was successfully uploaded to the MLGW RFP Portal by emailing TaShay Yates at


March 14, 2025 News Release
MLGW issues Request for Proposal (RFP) for solar generation and utility-scale battery storage