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MLGW News Release
Memphis Water: A Community Treasure
May 3, 2016

Water Quality Report 2015

Great tasting. Purified by nature.

Your drinking water has a long and storied journey to your tap. Its trip begins deep underground in artesian wells. There, the water has been naturally sand-filtered, for nearly 2000 years, by an aquifer system that can go as far as 2,600 feet below Memphis’ ground surface. Like eco-guardians of this treasured natural resource, clay strata layers serve as a barrier to protect our water after the filtering process.
The result: drinking water absent of contaminants often found in other water sources, and that is minimally treated. This gives the water at your tap the a-h-h factor; a pleasant, refreshing taste. It’s more than just good tasting; MLGW’s Water Quality Assurance Laboratory ensures our water’s quality and safety through a battery of tests (close to 40,000 a year).

Memphis Light, Gas and Water is proud to present its 2015 Water Quality Report, which includes required information about the testing, monitoring and treatment of our drinking water. In 2015, as years before, Memphis water met or exceeded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. This Water Quality Report guides you, the consumer, through required monitoring results and information on common contaminants that can be found in drinking water, including bottled water.

View the report at: