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MLGW News Release
Low Gas Rates, Warm Temperatures Combine to Lower MLGW Winter Utility Bills
March 15, 2012

Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) customers experienced significantly lower average winter heating bills this winter compared to last winter. From December-February, the average MLGW customer saved $110 compared to the same time period last winter, a 15.5 percent decrease. This includes electricity, natural gas and water, though the falling prices of natural gas represent the most significant part of that savings.

The cost of natural gas is down more than 21 percent compared to last year, marking the 6th straight winter that natural gas prices have fallen. Over that six-year period, the cost of natural gas has fallen 67 percent. Consumption is down for all three utilities, however, indicating a combination of both mild weather and increased customer efforts to use less energy.

In addition to lower natural gas prices, MLGW’s electric rates ranked 8th lowest in a January 2012 survey conducted by Jacksonville Electric Authority. MLGW’s water rates ranked as the nation’s lowest in a 2010 survey of 34 water utilities.

“MLGW has worked diligently to not only keep rates low, but also promote energy efficiency to our customers,” said Jerry Collins Jr., MLGW President and CEO. “These benefits, coupled with mild weather, resulted lower heating costs for MLGW customers this year.”

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MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 421,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.